Wednesday, January 21, 2009


P.K. Page

Patricia Kathleen Page was born November 23rd 1916 in Swanage in Dorset England, but was brought up in the Canadian Prairies In Red Drea Alberta. As a child her family moved alot due to her fathers postings in the military. Finally she settled in Montreal Quebec, adn she started to work as a filing clerk, later on moving to becomming a script writer for the National Film Board of Canada in Ottawa. That same year in 1950 she married her husband William Arthur Irwinwho was also a writter. For the next few years she would travelthe world with her husband who was posted as Canadian high Comissioner.
Page won her first award in 1944 for a publication in a poetry magazine, and the praises continued form there. In 1954 she was awadred the Governor General's Award for her second book called " The Metal adn the Flower". She was awarded many more awards throughout hte years, but wa s not only known for her poetry, for she also writes stories, and paints under the name of PK Irwin. She was most recently shortlisted for the 2003 Lowther Memorial Award for her " Planet Earth" published in 2002. PK Page still oves to write for she has recently published two new books in the past year, "You Are Here" in November of 2008, and a childrens book " There Once Was A Camel" in December of 2008.

"Deaf Mute In A Pear Tree"

His clumsy body is a golden fruitpendulous in the pear tree

Blunt fingers among the multitudinous buds

Adriatic blue the sky above and throughthe forking twigs

Sun ruddying tree's trunk, his trunkhis massive head thick-knobbed with burnished curlstight-clenched in bud

(Painting by Generalic. Primitive.)

I watch him prune with silent secateurs

Boots in the crotch of branches shift their weightheavily as oxen in a stall

Hear small inarticulate mews from his locked moutha kitten in a box

Pear clippings fallsoundlessly on the groundSpring finches singsoundlessly in the leaves

A stone. A stone in ears and on his tongue

Through palm and fingertip he knows the tree'squick springtime pulse

Smells in its sap the sweet incipient pears

Pale sunlight's choppy water glistens onhis mutely snipping blades

and flags and scraps of blueabove him make regatta of the day
But when he sees his wife's foreshortened shapesudden and silent in the grass belowuptilt its face to him

then air is kisses, kisses
stone dissolves

his locked throat finds a little door

and through it feathered joyflies screaming like a jay

Why i chose this poem: I chose this poem as one of my poems to analyse with the class because
of its descriptions and comparisons throughout the poem. I liked the way it coudl be
interperated in many ways, because it did nto have a straight forward meening to it liek many
we saw in the British poems that were presented. It uses the five sences to intice ou to keep reading.

"This Heavy Craft"

The wax has melted
but the dream of flight
I, Icarus, though grounded
in my flesh
have one bright section in me
where a bird
night after starry night
while I'm asleep
unfolds its phantom wings
and practices.

Analysis/ Why i chose it:
I chose to use this poem to analyse as part of the presentation, no not because it was short, but because of how it made me feel. This poem as you read the title, you assume that it will be about a flying machine of sorts because of the word "craft". But as you read it, you start to see that it is about more then just the ability to fly, more then an explanation of the old Greek Myth. I found this poem describes the wish for something, a goal, and how even though things might not go as planned ( Icarus's wings melting) that that shouldnt stop ou from trying to reach your goals. To me this Poem is a poem of hope and motivation, to not give up on what ou want, the first plan may not have worked out but there are always other ways ( " night after starry night while I'm asleep, unfold its phantom wings, adn practices" he still fyies at night in his dreams, he has foudn another way to do what he wishes).

Monday, January 19, 2009

Debate 3: i'm Judging so be nice!

December 15th was the last day of the Hamlet debates. This debate would decide wether gerturde had betrayed her late husbadn adn her son. As the three judges sat at the front of the class, anticipation was rising. Beside me sat Stephanie Willson, and Jaybe Bedell, ready to start the judging process we looked to our right seeing the affirmative side, Adam, Mat and Stuart, then to the left the negative side consisting of Tyler Kieth, Alex Van der Mout and John Khatib. the debate begins with the lightsabers in the middle incase a fight breaks out.

The negative side starts off gaining some points by a little bribery or cookies? It is a common fact that every judge has a sweet tooth! Both teams are well prepared and execute thier arguments and rebuttles mostely without conflict, with only 4 lightsaber battles, ending with the negative side winning the points every time. As the last sword fight came to a close wiht a crashing end breaking one of the collapsable swords, both teams had come verry close for all three judges. Jaybe and myself had teh negative team win by 2 or 3 points, while Stephanie has teh Affirmative win by only a few points aswell. havign a greater amount of points together for the negative team, they won the debate, convincing the judges that Gertude has not betrayed her son and previouse husband.