Sunday, December 14, 2008

Activity 1.2

As we can see, the first of the two main families in the Shakesperian play of Hamlet is hamlet himselves family. This family starts off originaly being a perfect family or what we call a nuclear family. As the play moves on we lear that clausdius, hamlets uncle has murdered hamlets father, the king of Denmark. After this, Claudius marries his sister in law, now becomming the new king of Denmark. This beomes the big crisis of this family wich destroys thier appearance of a perfect nuclear family. After this occurs, Hamlet is discusted to find out this news of his fathers murder by his own uncle, and therefore insists on disobaying his wishes. Hamlet is also very discusted at his mother for marying his uncle, an almost insestuouse jest in such a short time after his fathers death. As a way to compe with these terrible crisese, Hamelt thinks of a way to get revenge on his fathers death, he plots a detailed plan to do so and murder his uncle.

The second family to this would be the one of Polonius, his son Laertes, and his daughter Ophelia. This family is closest to the nuclear family stereo type. the father is a strong man, powerful and well respected by his children, he gives them great advice, and they follow without any great complications, unlike Hamlets family. In this family, the crisis is twisted upon the royal's Polonius is a single parent from what we are able to gather since the mother is never mentioned, Along as Ophelia is very much in love with little Hamlet. As all becomes mad, Polonius is murdered by hamlet, and with this, all chance of a nuclear family is destroyed. With all the presure of obaying her father, dealing with the strange of hamlet, and everythign that is surrounding her, Ophelia is unable to cope and dies mysteriously adn is found in her watery grave. While Laertes with his own rage of his father being murdred, plots upon the revenge for his father on Hamlet.

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