Friday, December 19, 2008

Activity 1.3

The reality of Hamlet throughout the play plays a great part in the actions and consequences that occur throughout the play. Hamlets reality is that his father dies, adn eh later learns that it was his uncle that had murdered him, the king of Denmark in order to get his crown. With this discovery, Hamlet immediately convinced that his uncle is terrible for doign such a thing, he plots to kill him to make sure he is sent right to hell. This reality causes many unnessicary deaths, and consequences to the many people that surround him.

Gerturde has just lots her husband king of Denmark, but to keep her royal status,she quickly marries her previouse husbands brother Claudius that is next in line for the crown. By doing this, she has done what she thinks is best for her family, keeping the royal blood, but takes no consideration towards her sons feelings towards this act. This reality of the queen in the end leads to her death, having trust the man that killed her previouse husband, leads her to her last sip of wine the kills he rmomentarily.

Claudius has a reality of revenge and anger, and "pay back". For Claudius, killing his brother was a way at the crown that he was neglected from. Doing this would crown him royalty, and get him a beautiful new wife. As he finds Hamlet start to ask strangely, he starts to plan on killing Hamlet, his nephew in order for him to be the only one that was suitable for the crown of Denmark. By doing this, he has caused much pressure on many of the people in his surroundings, he caused teh death of his new wife, his own death, the death of Leartese, and in the end successfully killing his main target Hamlet.

Poloneus seems to have a blinded reality. He is the last parent left for his two children, adn indends to keep them safe. As this protective father he finds his right in keeping her daughter away from to him who seems to be a maniac, his laughters love; Hamlet. As Ophelia tells him more and more about the situation she is in with Hamlet, he goes from giving her advice, to forcefull obliged parenting, and keeps her from seeing her love. This reality of Poloneus in the end causes teh death of himself by Hamlet, and the death of his own daughter that he was trying to protect. For she has gone mad from the thought of loosing everything that she once had.

Journal Reflection
By looking and comparing the different realities and consequences of them through the different characters in the play, we can see that the different family units cause different reactions in scociety. First, looking at the Royal family we can see how they do not comunicate with one another, all are very seporated form one another and because if this, they all end up dying because of melisiouse murder plots against others. While if ou look at Polonius, Leartes and Ophelia's family, we can see that they are much closer, protective, and concerned about eachother. Although they all die as well by the end of the play, they die for different reasons, they die for love and revenge on their family members, or they get caught in the way of the royal family's murderous plots.

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