Monday, December 15, 2008

Activity 1.5

By using Maslow's hierarchy, we are able to analyze and describe Hamlets personality. Maslow's hierarch is a pyramid in wich describes the phychological needs and how they are prioritized. The most important aspect of ones self is the physiological step. This consists of all the necesities that any human will need; things such like water, breathing, sleep and sex. The next greatest priority for humans according to Maslow is ones safety. The second greatest priority for humans security of our body, employment, family, health and the protection of what we have and cherish in our lives. The next one is the priority of love of ones family and friends, making sure that they beolng somewhere. The second last step to this perimid is to the esteme priority. It is what we make sure to have self esteme, confidence in what we do, and get respect for others and give respect to others. When finally the last part to this pramid is self-actualization. This is what keeps track of our morals, craticity and our spontanicity! As we move up this pyramid, the priorities lessen and lessen, for this phychological structure, we build from the bottom up.
By using all these stages, we are able to deconstruct the personality of the famous Hamlet. By choosing from Hamlets many extreme actions throughout the play, we are able to use the Maslow's hierarchy to find his reactions and see wich section of the pyramid he has satisfied.
Plotting his revenge on Claudius
At this thought, Hamlet has found out from the gohst of his father that he ws murdered by his uncle and unpon hearing this news, immediately starts to play a way to revenge his fathers death by killing his uncle, or his new step father if you prefer. This action and thought process, is using the safelt and loving adn belonging stages. As Hamlet has a great will to kill his uncle, he is doing this, as a way to keep his family safe, and restore his family to what it used to be. By killing his uncle, he thinks he is protecting his mother from his dirty slimeball of an uncle that web her only weeks after the barrial of her husband. Also while doing this he is returning his love and belonging to his family. Ever since the new king has been in power, hamlet has been called mentally insane, is nto respected by his new father, adn has even been exiled to england. By killing his uncle, he is creating a newsence of belonging once again to part of a family.
The murder of Polonius
This action is not planned and carefully thought out, instead it is a rushed decision, that ends in an inocent death. As he sits in his mothers room, the one and single thought that runs through his mind at all times throughout the play is killing the king. This act of spontianity could be placed in two different stages; the top one of self actualization, becuase it is a spontaniouse reation having to do with ones mortality ( to him killing the king is acceptible) or it coudl also be placed under physiological, for it was a primal thought of protection, no thought was put into the reaction, just as we do for breathing and our hearts beating.
Hamlets abrupt end to a relationship with Ophelia
This is a very simple situation to classify. As Hamlet is speaking with her, he is not shy adn coy, but loud and knows what he wants to say, this is part of the Esteem stage of this pyramid, making sure that even though he is broken inside, he is still respected by others, adn does nto loose his place in authority.
( i appologize for all the spelling errors it will be fixed asap)

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