Friday, December 19, 2008

Activity 1.6

Hamlet is well known for his confusion and his great changes that he completes throughout the play. Although we know nothing about him from before his father passes, we can assume from the reaction of the people around him that he was not a mad and angry man before. from the beginning to the end of the play, hamlet changes a great amount. Internally, his motives change, his personallity changes, and his mood changes. Hamlet was first so intent on going back to school and studying, but as he is asked to stay home, he learnsabout his fathers murder from the ghost, and starts to change. Startign to plan against his uncle, he completely forgets about school, and now has new priorities, putting all his concentration on the revenge of his father. Since this is now the only thing on his mind, all htese thoughts build up adn cause frusteration and anger towards the others around him, because of thier lack of knowledge or belief that the new king od Denmark had murdered old Hamlet. This frusteration in turn is taken too far and affects the way he acts around the people around him, soon leading to what seems to be madness.
His external change, on the other hand does not change as drastically as internal, instead he does not start dressing differently, nor look differently, the only change is that he his mad and crazy thoughts effect how he acts and talks to people so in turn affects how he presents himself, making it a physical external change.

The people around him notice these changes, Claudius for example starts to turn against his new step son, he does not liekthe way he is acting and finds it severely suspisiouse. With this he tries to exile him to england, and plot against him in a fight to his death.

Horatio is perhaps the only one that believed that Hamlet was not at all crazy, but trying to find revenge upon his fathers death. Because of this, Horatio seems to be the only one that Hamlet will speak to normally without anger, but with " love" that is seen by any other charachters throughout the play.

Hamlet's mother does not wish to believe that her son has gone mad, but after a certain point, she is no longer able to fight it. Still loving her son, she tried to help him in figuring out what has happened to him and what has gone wrong, but instead all she gets is a cold shoulder and resentment rises to her.

Finally Ophelia, his love, can take this new and strange behaviousr no longer, she can see the meliciouse plots adn madness in his face when she looks at him, and is frightened by the sudden change. This new personality of Hamlet, and his murdering of her father takes her over the edge and causes her to kell herself.

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